Sunday, August 10, 2014

Trying not to dwell...

I spent about 15 minutes on this...I did not over think it or shape it or do much with it except let it out.  I suspect I will regret that later and perhaps rework it...but not right now.

A shadowy presence in my mind, lurking
Blotted out most of the time when I’m occupied
Time with friends, errands to run, chores to do
But then, under the glow of a supermoon
And the quiet hum of tires on the ethereal highway,
It comes back to me in a wave of melancholy
It does that sometimes, less often than the pain
Sometimes it comes as anger, but not tonight
Tonight it came out of nowhere dressed in sadness
Like a shadow in the night, a cloud in the sky

It came and I was reminded not just that I hurt
But it softly reminded me how and why I am broken
Not in a way that stops me from loving life
Not in a way that shatters dreams or saps hope
Not in a way that leaves me crippled and lost
But just a little less than whole, a little bit flawed
Just little broken like a chip in a glass figurine
A rough edge that time smoothed out but did not erase

This time it comes to me in numbers that prick my eyes
And roll through my mind like an insidious code
The 11th day of the 8th month
The 38th minute of the sixth hour after noon.
The temperature was 78 degrees.
His speed was over 50, mine was less than 5
A quarter percent of his blood was alcohol.
It was the tenth day after I bought the car
The first car I’d ever owned
The third month I’d had my license.
Now I spend forty dollars to have my bones cracked
Hoping it will hold for four weeks until I return
I had five shots driven into my spine for no relief.
I was twenty three and it has now been 19 years
I cannot remember and I cannot forget

But don’t mourn for me – the shadow will pass
The chip will remain, but I’m not really broken
When I smile I mean it, when I laugh I feel it
The moon is beautiful tonight and I am alive.

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